An Emotional Liberation & Past life Healing offers a nurturing space to explore all emotions, feelings & sensations storied within yourself, your cell memory & your bones; that you wish to gain further clarity on & allow yourself to gain a sense of control for when emotionally charged situations do arise. There is a healing & an understanding within a parallel moment from time, a past life, & we explore how you are guided to integrate the lessons learned or to be learnt within your now, your present life. Within this space you are held & safe to rewrite the story from your Past life, creating a whole new prospective & outlook within your current life & life situation. You may gain insight on what it is, that is holding you back or gain clarity on triggers you were previously unaware of. Opening up this space for you to heal, to move forward within all aspects of life & find peace within your self & your relationship with others.
This process is a gently guided meditation that holds space for you to dive deep into your own intuition, your knowing & opens your subconscious to retrieve, feel & to know those emotions that we can’t quite work through our selves.
“There is no way around emotions; peace can only be found by going through them”
-Gurumeher Khalsa
What to expect?
When you arrive we will have a chat, over a freshly brewed tea, about your desired out come/s for this session. Reminding you that I provide a safe & held space for you to share as much or as little detail as you feel comfortable with. We will decide together if an Emotional Liberation or the past life healing would be best to begin with. I have found that they work beautifully together within a session, & allow the natural flow to guide us where the session needs to go. After our chat, we will start with a channeled mediation, during this I will offer an intuitively guided reiki & then we begin the guided mediation for either the Emotional Liberation or Past Life Healing or both.