Our womb & the sacred space she is or once has inhabited, is a place where many women have never consciously connected with. For many, our ‘womb’ is known purely for her reproductive purposes & a space only reserved for mothers birthing new life. Our womb, however, encompasses the entire physical & energetic region, she is the very place where we find our most foundational feminine blueprint. Our womb space holds a direct portal into our spiritual knowing, she is the connection to our intuition. Our womb is the creator of new life, she births our inspirations, she is our grounding & connects our cord back to mother earth, she is inviting, warm & nurturing, she is holds our deepest desire & our intense pleasures.
Womb healing has been a part of ancient health care, practiced by medicine women, traditional midwives, shamans, priestesses, mothers & elders. Our ancients lived by a feminine cosmology of creation; everything was birthed & dissolved through our sacred universal womb. By awakening the spirit of her womb, the women can then empower her true source of healing, her unconditional love, her sensuality, her creativity & reclaim her intuition, her inner wisdoms & her sacred power. My direct lineage of the 13th Rite {the rite of the womb} is from the sacred teachers of the female Shipibo Shamans & midwives of Peru. I hold great respect for this lineage of teachers & their wisdoms, the traditional shamanic initiation & embodiment practices.
Womb Healing draws blessings from the four directions & elements of Shamanic culture as well as connecting & balancing our physical mind & body with our energetic body & spiritual awareness. Womb healing will help to align, balance & restore your womb space to its most pure & sensual form. This gentle intuitive healing may offer you clarity, closure, release, detach & clear stagnant traumas & emotional blocks, dissolve unwanted cords of attachments & allow shedding of the ancestral layers of their pains, traumas, shames, guilts & fears. Womb healing is a powerful rebirthing of all women & holds the potential to heal thousands of years of ancestral wounding & to bring forth a deeper feminine consciousness.