1:1 Ceremony

"she cannot shine her light,
without her darkness.
She cannot embrace her feminine,
without loving her masculine.
She cannot be grateful within her joy,
without showing gratitude to her sorrow.
& She cannot treasure her beginning,
without honouring her closing"
This scared offering, a time for Ceremony & a space for self love & devotion,
is beautiful combination of all my wisdoms & teachings. Each 1:1 Ceremony is completely bespoke to your desires, your journey & your healing. All rites of passage & cycles have a welcomed space for us to create a beloved & heart felt Ceremony.
Each ceremony may last up to 3 hours, either within my Sacred space or
within the comforts of your home*
& depending on your desires, may include**
Opening & Closing of sacred space
Altar set up & guidance
Ceremonial Cacao or Intentional tea
Guided mediation
Oracle card reading & guidance
personalised Yoni Steam
personalised herbal foot soak
Rebozo Massage
grounding the pelvis
Honouring your Bones
Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing
Past life & Emotional Liberation
Birth Wisdoms & preparations
& intuitive guidance...
1:1 Ceremony - $220
3x 1:1 Ceremonies - $620
Gift Vouchers are available
Simply complete the booking form below, I will personally be in touch & together we will create a sacred ceremony to honour & to hold you.
*In Home location must be within a 45 minute radars of Caloundra, outside of this radars may occur additional travel costs.
**All Ceremonies are completely bespoke, which means not all listed offerings may occur within the 1:1 Ceremony. Yoni Steaming is subject to personal circumstances which will be discussed further after booking form is submitted.